Vital mangrove ecosystems for a sustainable future

Vital mangrove ecosystems for a sustainable future

Vital mangrove ecosystems for a sustainable future
Facts about Mangroves

- Mangroves provide natural defense for coastal communities from tsunamis, cyclones, and other extreme weather.
- Restoring mangrove forests offers vital local ecosystem services for life.
- Mangroves mitigate 5 times more carbon than terrestrial trees, storing 80% of carbon permanently in the soil.
- Mangroves filter and clean surrounding water, protecting coral reefs and seagrass.
- They increase seafood production by up to 50%.
- Mature mangrove trees produce enough oxygen for four people.
- Mangroves minimize shoreline erosion caused by sea level rise through reforestation.
- They offer a cooling effect and other essential eco-services that support life on Earth.
- Mangroves aid sustainable development in vulnerable coastal communities, helping overcome poverty.
- Threatened land from sea level rise is naturally built up by the accumulation of fallen leaves and branches.
Key to a More Eco-friendly World in 2022
"Brilliant scale model showing how mangrove forests protect the coasts from wave erosion. Its critical we protect the mangroves."
Erik Solheim